Tutorial to the PMS versions and tasks
Below you can find 4 videos that guide you on how to use the different versions of Power Market Simulator.
The content of the guide for PMS-Education is almost the same as the content of the guide for PMS-Hour + PMS-Scenario.
You can therefore content yourself with viewing the instructions for PMS-Education and the instructions for PMS-Experimental.
You can also choose to view the instructions for PMS-Hour + PMS-Scenario + PMS-Experimental.
If you choose to watch all four videos, you must accept that there is overlap.
If you are a company or authority that wants to be introduced to the electricity market and use the Power Market Simulator to gain practical experience with the electricity market, you can order a course at Strategirummet.
The course lasts 3 hours and costs 2,000 Euro + transport. This price includes a group license for PMS-Scenario for 1 month.
You can hear more about the course by calling Flemming Nissen +45 20579736 or sending an email to fn@strategirummet.com.
You order an internal course by writing an e-mail to fn@strategirummet.dk with the subject: "Course", and then we agree on the time when it should be held.

Tutorial to PMS-Education
Tutorial to PMS-Education
Tutorial to PMS-Hour
Tutorial to PMS-Hour
Tutorial to PMS-Scenario
Tutorial to PMS-Scenario