Terms and Conditions

1. General

Strategirummet ApS offers subscription services that give the user access to make power market analyzes with the Power Market Simulator (PMS) computer model. When the user buys a license for a given version of PMS, that person immediately gets direct access to the relevant version of PMS.

2. Purchase of license

To purchase a license for a version of PMS, the user must register and create a user account. Creating a user account requires a valid email address. The user can change the specified e-mail address under "My account" on the website www.powermarketsimulator.com at a later date. The user is responsible for providing correct information about himself and that no unauthorized person has access to login information or password. If a license has been purchased for multiple users, additional profiles can be added to the user account. By adding additional profiles to the account, the user as account holder is responsible for ensuring that all profiles linked to the user account comply with the general terms and conditions.

On the page "My account" you can view and download your invoice.

3. Technical requirements for using PMS

Power Market Simulator is a streaming solution and thus requires internet access. The user must not transfer the login to others. The different versions of PMS will be continuously updated. Users will be notified of these updates.

4. Price and payment

Available subscriptions and prices appear on the website www.powermarketsimulator.com. All prices are exclusive VAT. New users will be charged simultaneously with the purchase of a license or, if the user has used a trial subscription, when the trial period ends and the user has not canceled the subscription in advance. Payment is made using approved payment methods. The license will then be charged via the payment method registered by the user when the license period has ended, calculated from the creation of the license or, if the user has used a trial subscription, from the day the trial period expires. After that, the user will be charged until the subscription is terminated. The payment method can be changed via the website under "My account". If payment cannot be made, e.g. because the payment card has expired or there is insufficient coverage on the account, or for other reasons, and the user does not change the payment information or close his account, Strategirummet can suspend the user's access to PMS until payment is received or until the user cancels his subscription.

5. Account Information

Strategirummet uses Quickpay as payment provider. Quickpay has a solution for subscription payments that can be easily accessed via their API. Strategirummet cannot see the account information, and we therefore do not store it either.

6. Changes in prices or trading conditions

Strategirummet ApS reserves the right to make changes to the trading conditions for the purchase of a license for PMS, if deemed necessary due to significant changes in relation to the costs of running PMS. Changes in prices or trading conditions will be notified via e-mail or SMS. Changes take effect in the subsequent subscription period, but no earlier than one month after notification. Changes that are clearly beneficial to the user will take effect immediately.

7. Trial period

Strategirummet ApS. offers a 1-month trial subscription for the Education version of PMS. for new users. The offer applies to users who have not previously had a subscription or used the trial subscription. At the end of the trial period, the subscription is automatically converted to a monthly subscription, and Strategirummet will collect payment for the following month, if the subscription is not terminated before the end of the trial period. Strategirummet is not obliged to give separate notice of the end of the trial period, and the user is therefore responsible for keeping an eye on when the trial period expires and when payment will be charged for the subscription.

8. Duration, expiration and termination of the license

The license can be terminated at any time. If a license is terminated before the end of the current license period, the license will be closed when the period expires. If it is a trial user, the license will be closed immediately. Termination takes place via the website www.powermarketsimulator.com. Click on "My account" and then click on"Terminate Subscription". Termination must take place before the end of the prepaid license period. Otherwise, the license will be renewed at the applicable fee. In the event that a user significantly breaches these general trading conditions, Strategirummet ApS has the right to suspend the user's access to PMS or terminate the license with immediate effect, and the user can be held liable for damages. Strategirummet ApS. also has the right to terminate the license upon expiry in the event that PMS ends or in the event of significant changes.

9. Complaints and suggestions for improvements

Strategirummet welcomes all complaints about errors in the model or suggestions for improvements to the model. Complaints and suggestions for improvements are sent via e-mail to Flemming Nissen (fn@strategirummet.dk).

10. Strategirummets rights and obligations

Strategirummet ApS. provides the various versions of PMS as it exists at any given time. The user is aware of and accepts that the content of the PMS versions may change at any time without prior notice. Strategirummet can communicate with the user via www.powermarketsimulator.com or via e-mail regarding topics which exclusively relate to PMS, e.g. service interruptions or user licenses and payments. PMS is available 24 hours a day. However, Strategirummet does not guarantee that PMS is free of errors or interruptions. Strategirummet can reasonably suspend PMS, e.g. in connection with updates and maintenance. Strategirummet's rights and obligations according to these general terms and conditions can be transferred in whole or in part to third parties.

11. Use of Power Market Simulator and User Obligations

All content that Strategirummet offers via PMS belongs to Strategirummet and is copyright protected. When creating a user account and purchasing a license, the user receives a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license to the content of PMS, which must be used in accordance with the general trading conditions. The general terms and conditions do not mean that the ownership or other intellectual property rights associated with the content of the PMS are transferred or transferred to the user or other parties. The user has the right to perform analysis with PMS in accordance with the general trading conditions during the subscription period. The service is for personal use only. A user account is personal and may not be shared with third parties. The user may share his license with the other persons who have been created as an additional license on the user account in accordance with the general trading conditions and the applicable price list. If the user suspects that someone has gained unauthorized access to the user's account, the user must immediately notify Strategirummet ApS and change their password. The user is held personally liable for any loss as a result of the user giving another person access to the PMS through their user account. Strategirummet has the right to terminate the user's license with immediate effect or to block access to PMS, if Strategirummet has reason to suspect that the user's account is being misused by an unauthorized person in any way. The user may neither fully nor partially transfer his rights and obligations according to the general trading conditions to a third party without the permission of Strategirummet.

12. Personal data

Rules and agreements regarding personal data appear in "General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)" which can be found on the website www.powermarketsimulator.com.