Power Market Simulator

Strategirummet ApS owns and operates the Power Market Simulator; but it is possible for others to buy the source code and further develop their own version.

You also have the option of buying a license for PMS, and doing analyzes with Strategirummet's versions of PMS.

It costs nothing to use PMS-Education. You only need to register as a user.

The prices of licenses for the other versions: PMS-Hour, PMS-Scenario and PMS-Experimental are 16 - 100 EUR per month depending on the PMS version, the number of licenses purchased and the duration of the licenses.

The licenses are renewed automatically. You will receive an SMS before the renewal so that you can unsubscribe as a user if you do not want to continue using PMS. Unsubscribing is very easy.

Although we have tried to make some educational videos that explain how to use the different versions of PMS, you can of course find yourself in the situation that you do not know how to get started or how to proceed with a calculation. Do not despair, but call +45 20579736 or send an email to fn@strategirummet.com, and we will be happy to help.

PMS-Education og andre versioner-Ikonjpg.jpg

Short description of PMS versions

Short description of PMS versions
Videoundervisning (1).png

Tutorial for PMS-versions

Tutorial for PMS-versions

Prices of PMS-licenses

Prices of PMS-licenses
Køb licens 2.jpg

Register as a user

Buy a license

Login for members

Login for members
My account.jpg

My account

My account


Database or Source Code.jpg (1)

Purchase Database or Source Code

Buy database or buy source code


Få vist jeres regnskan (1).png

PMS data and model

PMS data and model
Kurser (1).png

Power Market course

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Disclaimer and Copyright

Disclaimer and Copyright
Raadgivning (1).png

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)


You can contact Flemming Nissen Strategirummet ApSĀ 

via mobile phone: +45 20579736 or

via email: fn@strategirummet.com

The address is:

Strategirummet ApS

Kongensgade 94

DK-7000 Fredericia


You pay licenses by using